Established - 1979 Sole Proprietor R.G Foulis 224 Marine Drive, Manaba Beach, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa

Welcome to The Paint Pot KwaZulu-Natal!

Tel: 039 317 2612
Fax: 039 317 3249
Email Address:

Established in 1979, we are paint and coating specialists and we are approved members of the Plascon Paint Club consisting of selected paint specialists all around South Africa. We offer the best overall value for money deals and free technical advice, backup and local deliveries. Our fields of speciality includes house paints, industrial paints, furniture and wood coatings, automotive paints as well as waterproofing products, epoxy floor paints and abrasives.

Business hours… Monday – Friday 7.30 am – 4.30 pm Saturday 8am – 12 pm
Sunday and Public Holidays Closed

We Are Suppliers Of The Following Brands.